Adopt A Family…
Every year in December the ILE PTO works with parents to Adopt a Family for the holidays. This wonderful program is designed to assist families in our area who are in need during the holidays. The program is based on voluntary participation and askes that each classroom provides gifts and donations for a chosen family.
While family names are been kept confidential, all of the ILE-adopted families live right here in Sumner County.
There are several ways to contribute—by donating gifts, gift cards, wrapping paper, and bows. Or, if you prefer, monetary donations can also be made and our classroom volunteers shop for needed items.
We hope you will join our PTO in spreading holiday cheer to those less fortunate and each holiday one that our “adopted” families are sure to remember. In addition to the actual gifts, these families are being provided the gift of hope, encouragement, and caring during a time when they need it most! If you would like more information in Adopt a Family or how you can help, please contact us!
Box Tops & Grocery Rewards
Are you shopping for birthday gifts, groceries, housewares, school supplies, clothes and so much more? Be sure to use our links or connect your cards to turn the shopping you do every day into resources for ILE students!
Register your Grocery Cards
Register your Kroger Plus card or Publix Rewards Cards to save money on your grocery bill and help the PTA earn several thousand dollars that these grocery stores contribute directly to Chesterbrook Elementary School.
Follow the directions below to designate the card yourself:
Amazon Smile
Do you need birthday gifts, new sneakers, a slow cooker, school supplies, or any of the millions of items available at Amazon?
Choose Indian Lake Elementary PTO for your Amazon Smile charity and add an extra 0.5% of your sales as a donation from Amazon.
Amazon proceeds add up quickly, so don’t forget to link before you shop!
Box Tops for Education
When you are packing those snacks and lunches, don’t forget to clip and save Box Tops for Education. The next submission deadline will arrive later this fall and with it a simple way to help raise money for our school.
Collecting box tops is so easy! All you need to do is cut out the Box Tops coupons found on General Mills products, put them in a zip-top bag, and place them in the collection container in the front office. Ask your neighbors and friends if they can collect the coupons for us too. Any little bit helps as each coupon is worth 10 cents to ILE!